Flood Relief
Purpose of this page is to assist volunteer teams of the Next Steps for our association in assisting flood victims of the recent East Ky floods.
Our Next step and how you can help
We are monitoring closely the damage to neighboring cities and counties related to the recent floods across our state. We anticipate very soon our help will be needed in flood recovery as we partner with KBC Disaster Relief as well as leading our own teams. Continue to pray for Oneida, Pikeville, Hazard, and our local Laurel County residents.
Ways to Give
1. LRBA Flood Relief Fund: The funds collected will go directly to flood recovery and assistance. Many will be needing certain supplies that are easier to purchase in bulk. You can give online or by check. If by check mail to Laurel River Baptist Association, 114 Carter Dr, London KY 40741. memo line FLOOD
2. KBC Flood Relief Fund:
If you wish to make a donation toward flood recovery and want the convenience of doing that online you can donate here: https://kbc-exe.givingfuel.com/disaster-relief-contributions
Flood Recovery
Donate today towards the East Ky Flood recovery through our association.
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