Let me begin by saying that the Laurel River Baptist Association grieves with the families and communities of Campbellsville, Bowling Green, Mayfield along with the other communities during this time of devastation and loss. Several folks in our association have texted and called me to ask what we will be doing to help the victims. I wanted to take a few moments here to communicate in one spot how and ways you can help.
It is natural for us to want to be on the front-lines of help and assistance. The very hard thing for us to do is to be patient and wait for the right timing. If I have learned anything through this, it was during the time of 2012 when East Bernstadt was hit with the tornado. As much as I thought our church handled things pretty well, the situation was still overwhelming. The church leaders in West Ky need our prayers for patience, decision making, sympathetic hearts, and endurance to continue to serve their community. So pray for the churches and leaders in these areas.
As the assessing of needs is still being sorted through we must wait for the green-light from disaster relief officials and emergency management before we can come on the scene. I am in conversations with church leaders and the Graves Co Baptist Association leaders to learn of specific churches that need our help. It is possible that a team could go as early as next week for chainsaw work or debris clearing for homes; I just don't know yet. Several individuals have asked about sending monetary gifts and specifically how to do that. I will include an address and a link to a trusted ministry that will ensure the funds get to the right place.
Looking ahead, as we prepare to send teams; we want to be committed to the long haul of recovery. My goal is that we will send several teams over the next 6 months and beyond. Our association will be putting together items that are needed for our disaster relief ministry that folks can donate toward. items like (scoop shovels, large industrial trash bags, work gloves, pry bars, hammers, tarps, empty gas cans, batteries, flashlights, wheel barrels) I am also looking to purchase a generator as well.
If your church desires to collect things please note the above paragraph for items for the trailer. In addition to those things; cleaning supplies, personal hygiene items (soaps, shampoo, new underwear, socks, tooth brushes, tooth paste ...) Those items are easy for us to transport in tubs and can be a help to the families.
Again, our goal will be to identify specific needs with a church offer assistance. More details will be coming soon I hope. Continue to pray for the families and those on the front-lines helping. If you would like to give specifically, consider giving to the KY Baptist Disaster Relief. Click this button to give immediately.
Or mail a check to
Disaster Relief
Kentucky Baptist Convention
13420 Eastpoint Centre Drive
Louisville, KY 40223