What We Do
Church Strengthening
& Leadership Development
According to LifeWay research and research from the Barna Group, a majority of our churches in America are struggling. Many churches are or have plateaued or declining, even worse some are dying. The leadership of the Laurel River Baptist Association recognize the current realities taking place around the country and in our own association. For that reason, we strive to offer training resources to equip pastors and church leaders in their mission of making disciples.
Some of the ways we will serve our churches and strengthen them include:
Calling out the called mentor group for those sensing the call to ministry
Leadership network with full-time pastors
Leadership Network with bi-vocational pastors
Regathering Sunday school strategies
Technology and the church training
Provide resources and tools to promote CP, and mission offerings.
Pastor search committee training and consultation
Church safety & security workshops
Personal evangelism training
Sunday School teacher workshops
Ministers’ Wives fellowships
Vacation Bible School clinics
Regional Leadership Development conference
Church Mobilization
& Missions
Jesus gave the Great Commission to the church: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)
Our mobilization and missions team understand that the imperative is to “make disciples” The reason we “go” on missions is to make disciples. The Laurel River Baptist Association desire to foster an environment that equips churches and individuals in carrying out the Great Commission. We will accomplish this by:
Planning local evangelistic events
Providing Evangelism training for individuals and churches
Participate in the “Gospel to Every Home” initiative through the KBC
Developing strategic partnerships with the North American Mission Board church planters
Intentional promotion of the “sending” ministries of the Cooperative Program that supports, International, National, and state missionaries.
Support our WMU ministries and missions education.
Create evangelistic partnerships within our local community events. (Chicken Festival, Redbud Ride, Thursday Night Live…)
Additional Ministries
Book Link – Resourcing a para-church organization with repurposed Sunday School material to be used in mission efforts
Radio Ministry – Through WYGE 92.3 we provide a Sunday School radio program at 7:30am on Sunday Mornings
Clear Creek Bible College – Twice a year we provide resources to the students and faculty as appreciation for their work in training ministers.
Soles for Souls – Our churches provide shoes for the family resource centers in our schools as an additional ministry touch for our students.
Laurel Lake Baptist Camp – Periodically we work together with our Baptist camp partners to provide labor and resources to provide a positive camp experience.